Stepney Greencoat C of E Primary School

Norbiton Road, Limehouse, London, E14 7TF
020 7987 3202

RE Knowledge Organisers

Year R

Autumn 1 - Creation!

Autumn 2 - Why is Christmas so special for Christians?

Spring 1 - Salvation!

Spring 2 - Christianity!

Summer 1 - Who cares for this special world and why?

Summer 2 - Christianity

Year 1

Autumn 1 -  What responsibility has God given people about taking care of creation?

Autumn 2 - Where is the light of Christmas?

Spring 1 - Judaism!

Spring 2 - Christianity!

Summer 1 - What are God's rules for Living?

Summer 2 - Sikhism!

Year 2

Autumn 1 - Why is it good to listen to and remember the stories Jesus told?

Autumn 2 - Nativity Characters: Which character are you? Why are you important?

Spring 1 - Judaism

Spring 2 - Christianity!

Summer 1 - Why did Jesus teach The Lord's Prayer as the way to pray?

Summer 2 - Islam!

Year 3

Autumn 1 - Why do Christians read the Bible? What is it all about?

Autumn 2 - How do Christians believe following Jesus' New Commandment and his 2 Greatest Commandments make a difference?

Spring 1 - Judaism!

Spring 2 - Christianity!

Summer 1 - How did belief in God affect the actions of people in The Old Testament?

Year 4

Autumn 1 - Why is Liturgy important to many Christians?

Autumn 2 - What are the Beatitudes and what do they mean to Christians?

Spring 1 - Buddhism

Spring 2 - Christianity!

Summer 2 - Christianity

Year 5

Autumn 1 - The Miracles of Jesus

Autumn 2 - What can we learn from wisdom?

Spring 1 - Hinduism!

Spring 2 - Christianity!

Summer 1 - Hinduism

Year 6

Autumn 1 - Understanding faith in...

Autumn 2 - Christianity

Spring 1 - The Journey of Life and death...

Spring 2 - Christianity!

Summer 1 - Islam!

Summer 2 - Rules and Responsibilities - Who decides?