Stepney Greencoat C of E Primary School

Norbiton Road, Limehouse, London, E14 7TF
020 7987 3202

Performance Data

KS2 Results - 2022-2023

Pupils meeting expected standard in reading, writing and maths: 63%

Pupils achieving at a higher standard in reading, writing and maths: 16%

   2022 National Expected  2022 School Expected  2023 National Expected  2023 School Expected
 Maths  71%  73%  74%  74%
 Reading  74%  60%  73% 74% 
 Spag  72%  87%  79%  79%
 Writing  69%  73%  73%  79%
 Combined  59%  53%  61%  63%

Greater Depth Combined

2022 7%

2023 16%

KS1 Results - 2022-2023

   2023 National Expected 2023 School Expected 
 Maths  72%  69%
 Reading  69%  65%
 Writing  61%  62%
 Combined  57%  58%

Greater Depth Combined

2022 0%

2023 19%

Year 1 Phonics

86.4% of children achieved a pass in their phonics screening check.

Please be aware that there is no National data for the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 academic years due to the disruption caused to children's education during the Covid-19 pandemic and the cancellation of all National tests.

Department for Education School Performance Information

The DfE reports on important statistical information about the school including how our children perform and how we spend the money allocated to the school.

You can find the details on the Department for Education website.